Taiyo Discord announcement update - May

Discord Announcement on the 20th of May 2023.

We can now accept ANY SPL token on this platform> https://mints.taiyorobotics.com/ if any project wants to whitelist their spots using our phased system hit up SolportTS#3142. ( P.s) it's free to use and self serving we charge a micro fee every transaction as our business model!. We have officially got our first graphite gambling partnership; there's a project coming out that will utilize all our on-chain games, and we've been assisting them with setup. How these partnerships work is that people who integrate our games get the games for "free," but every spin, flip, etc. has a micro fee attached to it, and a portion is automatically converted to $GP. - An announcement will come out on the Graphite Twitter for the project we'll be providing games for - Again if there's any project out that wants casino smart contracts Graphite is the place to go to hit up SolportTS#3142. We have decided to launch some of our branded games under the Betfomo brand. We'll be releasing Roulette and Coinflip to start with, mainly as a showcase for people who want to use this tech in their projects. Revenue made from the labels will go towards $GP buys, sustaining the token with tangible revenue, and funding the team so we don't have to sell any tokens to support our ventures. This should come out by the end of the month. We have a few other products ready to ship on the pilots side and on the graphite side so we're going to be busy with the shipping products and should retain a pretty consistent release schedule. They are as follows: 1. Mintport(Taiyo) 2. Bidport(Taiyo)

  • Trading house( Pilots)

  • Lunar World ( Pilots)

  • Solsteads Arcade( Solsteads)

  • Taiyo RPC ( Eco-system )

  • Automation suite( Taiyo)

Being the main ones. All of course are using Graphite tech in the background which drives our underlying token and eco-system- as we said Graphite is the token that powers everything in the background we do moving forward.

Last updated