
Overview of the Pilots eco-system.


https://hyperspace.xyz/collection/pilots https://hyperspace.xyz/collection/AygfTeLucaBvMFAFSftkGn7EPJCZVf8ZaWNVKoF7qHE7

Key Information about Pilots:

  1. Pilots is composed of 4 factions, each with its own unique "staking point" token.

  2. 15% of the Graphite Protocol is allocated for Pilot emissions.

  3. Pilots is designed to be one of the most user driven and engaging systems in the NFT space.

  4. Pilots was created to address the need for Taiyo to expand its community and become the #1 tech provider across Solana, ETH, and Polygon.

  5. Pilots consists of two NFTs: Pilots and Cores.

  6. Pilots is undergoing a revamp by a top art studio. The OLD art can be viewed in full at https://builder.taiyopilots.com/.

  7. Pilots will feature top-notch 3D production to bring the NFTs to life.

  8. Pilots play a vital role in the growth of the Graphite Protocol.

Pilots is an expansion project to the Taiyo Brand and to us is not considered a GEN3. This is because Pilots is the only project we're actively developing under the Taiyo brand that is seperate from the GEN1 Robots the explanation can be found here.

The aim of Pilots is to create a game-like experience through 3D content and storytelling. Pilots live in Lunar City and the experience starts with the NFTs being split into 4 factions, each with its own off-chain token that can only be acquired via staking.

The focus of the Pilots project is to provide holders with choice and a sense of ownership through the development process. The story of Pilots will progress through different phases, each with its own utility/big event, and holders will have the opportunity to make key decisions that impact the direction of the project. The game-like experience of the Pilot project allows for the creation of innovative and unique products that can be resold to projects under the Graphite Protocol. This benefits holders with opportunities and constant value-adds, such as minting spots, whitelists, free NFTs and discounts on items & also share in the success of the products dedicated to the Pilots brand. This close collaboration with creators helps to bring even more value to the Pilot project and its holders including bringing excitement/fun and creating engagement.

So far, the Pilots project is being revamped by a top art studio and will feature top-level 3D production to bring the NFTs to life. Trailers and teasers of the 3D content can be seen on Taiyo Pilots Twitter page. With the release of Graphite Pilots NFT's will have a choice to make the choice being this: Pilots NFT holders must decide whether they want to convert their NFT into a Graphite stake model by attaching a core and filling it with staking points and burning it, or they can continue to stake for points and keep their NFT unchanged. The main difference between the two choices is that the supply of Graphite is limited and staking for Graphite results in lower emissions, while the supply of points is not limited and staking for points has bonus use cases in the shop. The decision between the two choices depends on the holder's preference. Here's an example: In this example, the project is offering 150 minting spots to Pilots NFT holders in an engaging way through a "shop raffle drop" in the faction hub shop. The raffle is gated to holders only and accepts either 50 Staking points or 5 Graphite as a ticket cost. The decision of which token to use for the raffle entry is up to the holder, as they will earn more Staking points than Graphite per day, making it so them using Staking points grants them more entries. Ultimately, the choice is based on the preference of the holder. Coming into the Taiyo incubator program we expect this very scenario to play out 100's of times.

Summary: Pilots will have multiple value cases and be a key part of the Graphite product eco-system. Pilots is never meant to be tied to the price of the Token because of the point system.

Pilots NFT'S control the story, we build the tech that allows them to do that.

The key decisions for Pilots NFT holders are meant to enhance the game like experience and create a sense of attachment to the project. By giving holders choices in various aspects of the project, the team aims to build a story and involve the holders in the development process. The decision tree is expected to be applied to various key moments throughout the life of the Pilots project, adding to the gamification aspect and giving holders a sense of ownership and pride in their NFTs.

Last updated