Mainframe - Minting protocol

Mainframe is our replacement to the current minting protocol on Solana called "Candy Machine". We take a fee on each person minting an NFT from the contract to buy Graphite/fund the team.

Graphite Mainframe is a new solution designed to address the issues faced with the previous NFT launchpad, where bots could easily access contract-level minting and flood the network with transactions, causing network disruptions and negative publicity. The Mainframe is engineered to be more secure, preventing bots from automatically minting at the contract level, which was a major problem in the past. The Mainframe will launch on Solana initially, with plans to expand to ETH/Polygon in the future. So what makes Mainframe better than Candy machine?

  1. Antibot Security — Like the Solport/Taiyo Launchpad, the custom contract has proven its ability to thwart botting attempts and ensure a smooth and enjoyable minting process for all participants, we have taken the underlying algorithm and enhanced it 10x to the point where every mint launched on Mainframe will use a different anti bot automatically.

  2. Advanced Customization — Under this contract the user will have the ability to set up mints in the following fashion(s): Raffle mints, dynamic mints, dutch auction mints, and coin flip mints — all with the ability to accept different forms of SPL tokens in each phase. The contract also has the ability to “bucket” presale & whitelist allocations without the use of external services. See below for an example of a fun custom mint that is possible under the mainframe

A) Phase 1: Whitelist/Presale participants mint their allocated supply in BONK (example SPL token)

B) Phase 2 Public: X supply can be minted in SOL via a dynamic dutch auction style mint where prices are subject to change based on demand

C) Phase 3 Public: X supply can be minted in BONK via FCFS (first come first serve) How do we plan to gain adoption to Mainframe?

In summary, the Graphite Protocol has three key components for adoption:

  1. Mintport, a decentralized self-serving launchpad with a small micro fee for each consumer that mints and an optional recurring subscription for access to additional features.

  2. Taiyo incubator, a curation and launch platform that takes a percentage of the mints to burn Graphite tokens.

  3. Securing 3rd party developers and partnerships to integrate the protocol into their launchpads and tech, with a transaction fee applied on each transaction that is used to pay the team and buy back Graphite.

Last updated