Seller features

What does Solport do for being looking to sell items?

Listed below are the features we'll be offering people who are looking to sell items on Solport, on each each sale there's a 2% market fee taken. Your items once listed will be passed into a secure escrow account, once purchased we take the buyers funds and send you the money after our marketplace fee + royalty fees ( if applicable) are taken.

Listing options:

  • Edit listing ( being able to update description, price and add additional addresses to the whitelist if private listing)

  • Ability to enter custom description on listing.

  • List your NFT for sale as a static "Buy now" price in SOL.

  • Allow offers on your "Buy now" listings. (If selected, two additional options appear "Auto-approve offers above X SOL" & "Don't allow offers under x SOL. Auto-approve prices are not visible to the buyer on our website so they won't be able to know what price you'd let the item go for. *PLEASE MAKE SURE WHEN USING THIS FEATURE YOU'RE WILLING TO LET THE ITEM GO FOR YOUR DEFINED PRICE*

  • List your NFT as an auction ( enter the starting bid you'd want the item to start at, enter your reserve price(optional), enter the auction end date.

  • Current floor price of the collection the item you're listing belongs to shown on listing UI.


  • On-site notifications for the following, when you've listed an NFT successfully, when someone has purchased your item, when someone has placed a bid on your item, when someone has made an offer on your item, when the auto-approve function has accepted an offer and when your listing has expired ( auctions).

  • Discord notifications (optional), ability to add your discord handle to the notifications section so all notifications get automatically direct messaged to you on discord. For this to work, you'd need to make sure you're a member of the official Solport Discord with allow members from a shared server to message you on.


Last updated