General features
Features that universal on Solport.
This section focuses on globally functionalities inside Solport that sellers,buyers,creators can enjoy.
UI functionality:
Clean Light/Dark mode switch ( switch from light mode to dark mode, back to light on any section instantly.)
on site "Toast" notification link you directly to the notifications page.
Easy access to listings, upcoming, floor sweeper and collections from the top bar on the website.
Use of Smart caching ( once a nft image has loaded once it'll stay cached meaning that you'll have no waiting time to see the nft.)
Connect wallet, on launch Solport will only support Phantom & Solfare on stage 2 we'll have several different wallets including our own custom mobile one. *view road-map for more information*
"My profile" - this is the main hub for viewing/controlling your NFT's and profile. Be able to set a custom avatar from file upload or by clicking a NFT from your wallet and pressing "set as profile picture", edit your nickname which creates a custom profile link "" , see all your NFT's even if they're not from a verified collection on Solport, display showcasing how many NFT's are in your wallet, how many you've sold on the platform & bought on the platform, ability to filter only verified NFT's that can be sold right now on Solport, view NFT option which opens up a direct page with all the information about the NFT and finally a option to sell your NFT which once clicked brings up all the listing options. *view the seller features page for more information*
Notifications screen, see all the website notifications, be able to clear all notifications and setting up discord notification system to receive notifications directly to your discord account.
Transaction history, see all the transaction data that has gone through from your connected wallet to Solport. This feature basically acts as a ledger that gives you a history of your activity with us, being able to see items sold, items bought and items minted in one clean place.
Last updated
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